
Showing posts from September, 2017

About This Blog

What brought me to this topic? Well, by my own standards, I felt like I was starting to get fat. A little bit too much of the good life for a little too long. Sound like anyone else? I think it’s easy to fall into bad habits and routines in this busy world we live in. It can be hard to make time to exercise your body when we’re so busy exercising our minds into exhaustion. About 8 weeks ago, I set out to become healthier. I wanted to find exercises that were going to make me better at being human, ie. endurance, overall activity levels, blood-pressure, heart rate. I don’t want to go to a gym and deal with the egocentricity that permeates from the barbells, dumbbells, and walls of mirrors. I think this is a common feeling, too. Gyms are overwhelming, especially when you’re just getting started. The problem is needing to start somewhere and I imagine, for some, that the idea of having this place to go workout actually can have a drawing effect towards the gym. We won...